ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is bad for me! LOVE chicken strips, jack in the box tacos, chocolate milk, swordfish, artichokes, anything with ground turkey, and mac n cheese
Monday, May 31, 2010
Do you think it's hard to make friends? Have your friends changed since you had Pella?
I dont think its hard to meet and make friends, its hard to keep them Ive found the girls Ive known for years and years are the girls who will always and have always been there. I have AXED tons of "friends" since Pellas birth, bc they seem to not care or make an effort. their loss! but I really did find out who my real friends are, thats FOR SURE!
Memorial Day Weekend!
Also, my stepmoms horse gave birth to her first baby girl on Sunday morning!
isnt she cute!!!???

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
BOSS LADY Valeria and daughter Olivia
DO YOU WANNA BE A BOSS LADY???? Just email me these questions and a few of your favorite photos to:
Name: Valeria
I have learned to find the deepest happiness in the most simple things. Nothing has ever made me happier than waking up in the morning in bed with my partner and baby, or seeing her explore this new world, and that silly toothless grin. Staring at her is my favorite hobby, she is just so beautiful to me. I can lay and do nothing with my pea but I feel that my heart is just so full.
Quite honestly the toughest part for my has been losing my precious sleep. My cup of coffee has been a faithful friend. Lately she is waking up with a lot of energy at around 5am! At the very least I have learned to appreciate the sunrise...
The first time I was ever officially published was when I was thirteen. My poem was chosen to be part of an anthology. I have been writing short fiction since I was very young but took a hiatus during my pregnancy. I can thank my blog for being a great release.
Olivia is the bomb because she is already way cooler than her father and I. She has mod bangs and danced to Belle and Sebastian since she was in utero. No one can pull of polka dots like the pea, that's for sure.
I am still new at the mom gig and am surely still taking more advice than giving. Still, I have found that following my motherly instinct is what works. I have a very happy baby because we stay so in tune with her. We try to do what is best and not just what is easiest. To be honest, she is the Boss Lady.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Storing Veggies without Plastic
here is a PDF of ways to store your fruits and veggies without plastic!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Peej @ the Beach!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
All things PELLA!

yep, she is officially laughing! Sad news, I MISSED IT, but at least I got to hear it over the phone, I thought something was wrong with her, I heard this noise and Kim yelling, "MARCE, YOU DO HEAR THAT?!!!!!" and i said "yeah??" Kim says "SHES LAUGHING, SHES BUSTING UP!"
words cant describe how cute her little squeeky laugh sounded!

How's cloth diapering going? My son is 11 months old and I want to start, using AIO's but I'm scared of the price and the mess, but really want to do it. Any advice? Any brand to avoid? Any brand you love?
Clothe Diapering isnt being used as often as Id like too. They diapers say one size, but Pella is still too small for them, they fit her around but the rest of diaper is SO huge on her..she still fits in the newborn cloth diapers I have for upt o 8lbs! lol. My advice thought would be to be patient with cloth diapering, start of by just using them while your at home, get a good feel for the diaper, how long you can keep the baby in it, does it leak? Poo explosions? ..I have 3 different cloth diapers Ive tried, Fuzzibunz, Rumparooz, and Grobaby.
Ive found I like Rumparooz the best, and I use the Grobaby liners inside the diaper for outings....
Ill be upating the blog with how cloth diapering is truly going when she can actually fit in the diaper! lol
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Lets talk GEAR...strollers.
TOP PICK! Uppababy Vista

Retails for $679.99
* this is the stroller I chose to purchase for Pella and I have not one compliant other then the cup holder is a little cheesy, but the overall function of the stroller is a BREEZE, and I am a small girl so there is NO way im going to lug around some massive stroller system! Also, a little bummed it doesnt have a snack tray for Peej for when shes a big girl!...but WHATEVE!
Oh yeah and has the 'Rumble Seat' option if you decide to add an additional baby to your familia, the stroller can grow as your family grows! <---AWESOME!
2nd Pick
Orbit Baby G2

Special features for 2010:
- 3DRotation™ - Squeeze the side levers to rotate-and-recline in one fluid motion; forward-facing or parent-facing, upright or fully reclined
- Features orbitgreen™ Certified Fabric – The world’s first stroller with all fabrics and foams certified clean by Oeko-Tex® Standard 100
- -Excellent ventilation system
- Can dock and rotate 360 degrees on the Stroller Frame or Rocker (sold separately) Use from birth with the included, reversible, infant insert
- Included snack tray has a lid and even holds sippy-cups with handles
- 5-point safety harness and removable support bar
- Full coverage UV sunshade with "Paparazzi Shield™" extension
- One-hand adjustable footrest - Lengthens as your child grows
- Can be used with all models of Orbit Baby stroller frames and rockers
Retails for $900
Now, I sell ORBITS ALLLLLL day long, it is an AWESOME system! However it is a hefty investment!! You will continue to have to fork out more cashola for the "toddler stroller" seat when baby is bigger, and the bassinet if you want that as an option. If you can afford it, id say GET IT! the G2 has been completely redesigned based of off the consumers likes and dislikes.The stroller frame is ALOT lighter then the old one, which is a PLUS! My cons with this system are; the infant car seat is HEAVY!!! too heavy! and the storage "pod" bag under neath is just TOO SMALL! and not easily accessible. otherwise this stroller is the "ROLLS ROYCE" of strollers!
3rd Pick
Mountain Buggy Urban jungle

- Super easy pushing. Push urban jungle single with one finger - it's true, we tried!
- Water bottle holder
- Newborn-accommodating harness
- Near-flat recline
- Extra flat fold
- The lightweight aluminum frame folds in two easy steps and collapses flat for compact storage. The narrow wheel base reduces the urban jungle's size on the road and in your car's trunk.
- A water-bottle holder and under seat storage basket hold everything you need to get through your day
- Compatible with most infant carseats
Based upon Joggers, this one seems to take the cake for me, why?
Its the lightest Jogging stroller on the market, it folds up like a breeze. Cup holder is included, the underneath storage is spacious, full recline for infants or napping toddler, 12" wheels for off/on terrain.. and yes, its a bit more then the "bob" but this stroller comes with more options and is just overall a better Jogging stroller. and I love that the MB has a sleeker more modern look
Other great strollers....
- Micralite Toro
- CityMini
- Uppababy G-lite
- Phil & Teds Sport Buggy
- Bumble ride Indie Twin
Monday, May 17, 2010
BOSS LADY Rashel and her daughter Scout!
DO YOU WANNA BE A BOSS LADY???? Just email me these questions and a few of your favorite photos to:
Name: Rashel
Whats your least favorite thing about being a mom?: Well it's getting better but the not sleeping part is totally killer. I felt like I was on hardcore drugs for months. Also the random case of hand, foot and mouth that Scout got. I kinda didn't want to be a mom after 5 days of hell. HA!
Tell us something unique about you: I am ambidextrous. Is that unique enough?

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Busty Broads?

I cant find the "prefect"bra....
I am NOW. A well endowed FULL DD-cup, and 34 around...
I REFUSE to buy underwire bras, they are uncomfortable, and I find myself living in sports bras, but DUH they are UG when trying to feel and look cute!
SO, any busty broads have an recommendations?
Im almost tempted to just buy "nursing" ones, they seem to be the only cute no underwire and BIG cupped bras....