Monday, May 17, 2010

BOSS LADY Rashel and her daughter Scout!

Say Hello to Boss Lady Rashel and her lovely daughter Scout (Love the name BTW!!)

DO YOU WANNA BE A BOSS LADY???? Just email me these questions and a few of your favorite photos to:

Name: Rashel

Where do you live:Oklahoma

Child(s) Name & Age(s): Scout Marley Monet, 2 years (May 3rd, 2008)

Whats your favorite thing about bein a mom?: Exploring life through a child's eyes. It brings a lot of things into perspective for me.

Whats your least favorite thing about being a mom?: Well it's getting better but the not sleeping part is totally killer. I felt like I was on hardcore drugs for months. Also the random case of hand, foot and mouth that Scout got. I kinda didn't want to be a mom after 5 days of hell. HA!

Tell us something unique about you: I am ambidextrous. Is that unique enough?

Tell us why your kid is the Scout is a badass because she like veggies. She knows her colors. She can count to 10 in english and spanish. She can bust out some serious dance moves, she tells me she loves me and plays with my hair everyday.

One of your favorite "remedies/ or tricks of the trade"(for gas, teething,sleep,ANYTHING): Using silly straws to give medicine. Scout typically would throw a massive, full blown fit if she saw medicine coming towards her. We even tried hiding it in drinks but it never worked. We tried the silly straws and BAM she drinks up her medicine like a champ. Also using Lemon Balm drops from the health food store for a cranky, restless baby is amazing. Check with the workers there on how much to give your wee one.


  1. so adorable! i love them and her blog is so fun.

  2. just found this today!!! what a sweet surprise!! thank you for letting me be apart of your way cool blog! btw my blog is
    don't know why the link didn't work!!


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