I'm no neat freak by any means but seriously the amount of upkeep my home requires the older my child gets is OUTRAGEOUS!
I literally have to take out 2 bags of trash everyday, run my dishwasher everyday, do at least 2 loads of laundry everyday, pick up toys over and over and over, vacuum everyday, tidy up my bathroom everyday, clean bottles everyday, sweep up dog fur everyday..I mean honestly you'd think with doing all this clean up management everyday, my hosue would at least stay semi organized, but NO it doesnt, shit piles up, trash piles up, while my refrigerator is empty and I never have anything to wear! I swear to god day in and day out I have anxiety about how messy my house is, Peej tears shit up CONSTANTLY, she doesn't play with toys, she plays with paper, remotes and diaper wipes! I have tried to keep her play space contained, but as of late she drags all her shit out of her "CIRCUS" only for me to have to pick it all up throw it back in her circus, and REPEAT that same exact action the next day.... Thank god I have help, because if I didn't I swear my house would look like the slums. I just wish there was an easier way to stay organized!
Maybe I just need a house cleaner to come every 2 weeks? or maybe I need schedule out all the house tasks so Im not overwhelmed ... anyone have any tips? how do you keep your casa up to par? do do you just say FUCK it, and only clean it when you know your gonna have guests over?!!! haha.
I make Jasper help me 'pick up' toys before nap every day. WHich he then destroys after nap as well. Then I do a pick up of everything in the house before I go to bed. This takes 15-20 minutes. Once during the week I sweep the whole place, it's all hardwood floors and not that big so it doesn't take that long. THen every weekend I sweep again and mop everything. If more than that needs to be done I make the husband help me on the weekend with deep cleaning stuff.
ReplyDeleteI don't have kids, but our house always seems to be messy. Lately, I've been doing small tasks everyday and trying to keep up with them. If I clean the bathroom one day, every day after I just do simple things like wipe down the counter and sweep to upkeep. Seems to have worked so far...
ReplyDeleteIDK oh my god. if you figure it out let me know because it's destroying my mood. seriously, even when i'm not home i'm stressed about how messy the place is.
ReplyDeletemy house is a wreck all of the time. it bugs the hell out of me. i seriously don't know how people keep their houses organized and clean. now being knocked up again, it's 10x worse. so yeah, i am a fuck it kinda girl.
ReplyDeleteI'm on of those people that says FUCK it most of the time.. and when someone is coming over I usually get a boost of energy to clean. It works.. most of the time. Unless it's Sarah, and she understands. :)
ReplyDeleteI have an app on my iPhone called Motivated Mom calendar. It helps me keep upwith the day to day plus the other stuff, like clean my fridge or change heater filters. They also have a website, I don't do every task everyday but it helps keep my life somewhat organized. (you can get a version without bible verses if that isn't your thing, its not my thing :) )
ReplyDeleteI don't have kids, but I read a tip once about only having a small selection of toys available for your kid at one time. You switch up the selection every few days or week. So, instead of a whole big box tipped everywhere, there's just an armful :p
ReplyDeleteAlso, you seem like you have a CLEAN home, but that it just gets cluttered from the normal everyday life stuff. I know I get crabby from clutter, but I try to remind myself that at least my space is clean if not 100% 'together'.
Get a housekeeper!! It will keep you sane. Ours comes once a week as we have 3 under 2 :/ I definately make sure my 19 month old picks up his messes. My rule is if they are old enough to take out the toys and books they are old enough to put them away!! I will say that within 3 days after the house is cleaned it is completely fucked up again and I have learned to let it go most of the time as a survival mechanism :)